Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Why Men Pull Away From Their Woman

Why men pull away is one of the most asked questions among women. Almost all women find themselves in a situation at certain point in their life where they ask why men pull away from love. There is no exact answer of this question because different men have different reasons to pull away from their woman. Some men pull away because they are confused about having a serious relationship, while others pull away because they only want a casual relationship. Here are some of the facts about why men pull away.

Men Need Freedom and When They Don’t Get It They Pull Away

One of the major reasons why men pull away in a relationship is that they need freedom. Some women really don’t understand that their man has a life outside of their relationship and they want to be with their man all the time. This situation makes your man feel that he has lost his freedom and he pulls away. If your man is pulling away, this might be a reason why he’s doing so. So, you have to make sure that you give him enough space. Bear in mind that guys need space.

You Don’t Trust Your Man

Another very common reason why men pull away is that women don’t trust their man. Some women don’t realize it but they do many things that freak out their man. For example, some women keep close eyes on their man and they don’t like if their man meets or talks other women, even if he’s doing it for his work.

You Are Not a Well-Composed Lady

Another reason why men pull away from love is that they find their woman is not a well-composed lady. She is not well-organized which is alarming for her man because if he wants a serious relationship, he’ll marry any woman who doesn’t have control over her life. In order to keep your man interested, you need to prove him that you are a well-composed lady and you have control over your life. You have to prove him that you can handle different matters wisely.

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